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1983 Born in İzmir

2001 Graduated from Lycée Saint Joseph Français d'İzmir 

2006 Graduated from Bilkent University, with full scholarship in Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Department

2006 Barış Eyikan Kılınç Urban Design Student Competition/ First Prize

2006 Open UNESCO/2006/Carleton University International Student CompetitionHonorary Mention

2006 Fetishism Exhibition/ Meu Feiticio

2007 The Conceptual Project of 'Healing Jerusalem' took part of the international exhibitions of Just Jerusalem 2050' Competition held by MIT

2009 Graduated from Bilkent University, with full scholarship in Graphic Design Department and obtained the Master of Arts Degree

2009 Master Thesis, Land Art on the border between Topology and Atopology' and Thesis Project, 'Nonlocalizable Displaced Mirrors'

2009 Started to work for Gardensa Landscape and Gardening

2010 Book publication by VDM Verlag, 'Land Art on the Border Between Topology and Atopology: A particular involvement in the issues of art and philosophy

2011 Started to work for DS Landscape

2017 Started to work for Gillespies, Oxford/ UK 

2019 The Glowing Glowing Gone Campaign/ Glowing Artist


As a highly experienced and creative landscape architect with overs 15 years’ of professional experience, she always originates her projects and creations from the reciprocal relationship between human beings and outdoor environment. Even as a child, she was fascinated by the interconnection between the people and their surroundings which helped her to engender an understanding related to notion of space and pursue her career as a person in close touch of outdoor environment and nature. Her thorough studies in landscape architecture allowed her to mature an appreciation in coexistence of the phenomena of art, design and architecture which later guided her to concentrate particularly on land art. Therefore, throughout her Master of Arts studies, land art became the core of her researches and endorsed her to create a higher level of perception in the matters of art and architecture. Her involvement into land art and all the historical facts behind the development of such a drastic movement enhanced her understanding and perception of space – artwork; a relationship in which sometimes space only works as a background for the artwork to shine, or in other occasions the space itself is perceived as the whole artwork. Regardless of the scale or size of the projects and works she is always seeking an opportunity to recognize the interchanging connection among human beings, outdoor environment and arts. In that sense, she is passionate about creating a narrative by adopting ingenious elements such as art, form, color, pattern to spawn meaningful spaces that stem from vernacular contexts and ingrained culture.

She currently holds a position of an associate landscape architect at Gillespies, an award-winning landscape architecture and urban design practice in UK. Since joining the practice, she has been instrumental in delivering strong and engaging conceptual narratives for a number of high-profile projects in the UK, Russia and the Middle East. 

© 2023 by GÖKÇE GEREKLİ YILMAZ | Oxford | UK

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